Plasser Theurer | Parker

Plasser & Theurer – based in Linz, Austria

installed and tested their first Parker rail hose samples in 2014. Since then the partnership has developed, with regular day-to-day contact including sales, marketing and engineering support provided by Parker’s rail hose specialists. Parker now supplies its full  range of certified rail hoses to Plasser & Theurer, including many which have been specially developed to meet the customer’s specific requirements.

It is a partnership that is setting new standards in railway maintenance and keeping the global rail network on track, in line with the latest and safest regulatory requirements.


In 2013 a new European Rail Standard (EN45545) was introduced requiring the use of certified hoses for rolling-stock vehicles,  but also for rail track machines.

Parker was the first hose manufacturer in Europe to develop a new rubber compound to the required standards of EN45545 in terms of fire retardancy, smoke behaviour and toxicity.  The Parker certified rail hose range is now well established across the world and includes the No-Skive Compact Spiral Hose; delivering advantages such as bet