Water Treatment | Parker US
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Parker helps meet customer water-assessment and treatment needs with solutions such as potable water pumps, sealants and THM analyzers; water chillers for production applications and reverse osmosis.

Innovations in Water Treatment

Consumers demand clean water for health and safety, while manufacturers and energy producers require conditioned water for increased efficiency and reduced environmental impact. Parker helps meet customer water-assessment and treatment needs with solutions such as potable water pumps, sealants and THM analyzers; water chillers for production applications and reverse osmosis; and electro-deionization systems for use in power generation.

Row of blue stack pumps at exterior of facility


Polyethylene (PE) Tubing

Parker Legris offers two types of polyethylene tubing: "Advanced PE" 50% reticulated and Low-Density PE. Our range of "Advanced PE" is designed for demanding environments, especially that of water treatment, without compromising operator safety.

Coils of colorful tubing
Water purification equipment in plant

Featured Blog

Technologies are advancing to improve the overall quality of water worldwide, as well as the efficiency of processing and recycling it.


Upstream High-Pressure Hose Products

Engineers look to Parker to provide reliable and robust performance components. Parker's upstream hoses are raising the bar in safety, reliability and innovation for applications across the globe.