Solar | Parker US
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New solar technologies are targeting increased energy efficiency, lowered cost and simplified production.

Solar Energy: New Technologies Boost Efficiency

For the past decade, solar energy has been the fastest growing source of renewable energy in the U.S. and is forecast to power 60% of global growth in renewable energy through 2024. New technologies target increasing energy efficiency, lowering cost and simplifying production. These include perovskite solar cells (mineral coatings), multi-junction solar cells (combining multiple semiconductor materials) and concentrator photovoltaics (CPV), which use lenses or curved mirrors to focus sunlight.

Family with baby touching solar panel


Servovalve Three-Four-Way

A series of three- or four-way electrohydraulic servovalves (EHSVs) that drive actuators or motors in closed-loop servosystems used to control position, velocity, and force in hydraulic systems, fuel systems, and engine control applications.

Electrohydraulic servovalve


PV/CSP Solar Actuation Solution

Parker's cloud-based solution allows users to remotely monitor the current and long-term health of solar panels. SCOUT cloud softwar and SensoNODE Gold Sensors monitor pressure and transmit the data to the cloud so users can access it anywhere with an Internet connection.

Parker’s singular, cloud-based solution allows end-users to remotely monitor a solar panel’s tracker system. PV/CSP Solar Actuation Solution with Smart Sensors, Smart Positioning.Learn more at