Rail | Parker US
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Europe and Asia have the most advanced rail systems, including high speed and autonomous trains, as well as modern electric trains. The U.S. lags, largely because most passenger travel is by air or car. A key U.S. trend is positive train control (PTC), an automated safety system.

Rail Overview: On the Right Track for the Future

Europe and Asia have highly advanced rail systems, including high speed and autonomous trains. The U.S. is well behind, largely because U.S. commercial passenger travel is by air. An important U.S. trend is positive train control, an automated safety system. Rail’s migration to digital technologies also has led to the use of smart sensors. These can generate thousands of train performance readings for subsequent analysis that improves safety and reliability while reducing costs.

High-speed rail tracks against a city skyline


Compressed Air Dryers

Railway pneumatic circuits require clean, dry air for reliable performance. P3X Series membrane air dryers employ an advanced molecular membrane technology that dries the compressed air and lowers the pressure dewpoint (PDP). They have no moving parts and are not susceptible to shock or vibration.

Compressed air dryer
High-speed train moving fast on track


As railways are increasing their focus on electrification to reach higher speeds and meet newer environmental mandates, the race is on to identify technologies that support the higher speeds while limiting energy usage.


Sure Torque Manway Gaskets

Improve safety and reduce operating costs of railway tank cars with Sure Torque manway gaskets. Designed to eliminate over 95% of the causes the lead to manway Non-Accidental Releases (NARs), these gaskets reduce labor loading costs by up to 90% and can be reused on up to 30 shipments.


High-Speed Train Industrial Products

This interactive graphic shows a high-speed train. Click on the various sections to learn more about specific products Parker offers.

Train interactive graphic