Environment | Parker US
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A cleaner, brighter future depends on the work we are doing now. As we develop clean technologies that help our customers minimize their environmental impact, we are simultaneously working to achieve our own quantifable sustainability targets, taking steps to reduce our energy use, water consumption and carbon emissions.

Parker's Sustainability Report

Parker is leading the way to a better tomorrow. Around the world, our team members and technologies are playing a vital role in helping fulfill our purpose and create a brighter future for generations to come. 

Our approach to sustainability is all-encompassing, and it begins by empowering our people. Parker team members are working to enable engineering breakthroughs that facilitate the development of clean technologies, create efficiencies that reduce our emissions and other environmental impacts and make the world a better place.

Parker's Carbon Reduction Goals

Parker has established ambitious targets to cut emissions and conserve natural resources. Our goal is to reduce emissions from our operations at least 50% from our 2019 baseline by 2030 and achieve carbon neutral operations by 2040.

Long-Term Strategy

Our climate action program addresses potential risks to our business with a series of key objectives that include aligning technology solutions with changing customer expectations due to climate change, reducing carbon from both our operational and our indirect footprints, reducing risk of operational disruption due to climate change, and meeting customer expectations for carbon footprint reporting.

Parker-Hannifin Corporation CDP Climate Change Questionnaire 2023

Global EHS Directives

Parker’s Global Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Directives provide a clear vision of performance expectations. The Global EHS Directives can be divided into two categories of operational excellence: EHS Management and Operational EHS requirements.

These directives span the full extent of requirements for maintaining a safe workplace as well as effective environmental management. Each directive has supplemental guidelines, standards and best practices, which provide the necessary framework and criteria for our operating facilities. All facilities then adopt and develop site-specific procedures and programs to meet these requirements.

1. EHS Requirements and Responsibilities 6. Incident Investigation
2. Environmental Management System 7. Chemical Use and Waste Management
3. Performance Metrics and Progress Review 8. Electrical Safety
4. Evaluation and Corrective Action   9. Emergency Preparedness
5. Management of Change 10. Employee Training and Involvement
  11. Equipment and Machine Safety
  12. Ergonomics
  13. Hazardous Work Permits
  14. Job Safety Analysis and Personal Protective Equipment
  15. Material Handling and Storage
  16. Visitors, Contractors and Temporary Employees
  17. Workplace Environment
  18. Maintenance Safety
  19. Contagious Disease Prevention and Response

Reduced Energy Use, Emissions

Parker’s goal is to reduce absolute emissions related to materials sourcing, logistics and services (indirect footprint) by 15% by 2030, and 25% by 2040.

Water Treatment Plant process at sunset

Waste and Materials Management

Parker manages materials and waste responsibly and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The three pillars of our waste reduction strategy include:


  • Using Kaizen exercises to reduce waste in our processes
  • Leveraging Simple by Design to reduce waste in our product development
  • Managing end-of-pipe waste

Operating responsibly includes eliminating the use of materials that are hazardous to the environment. Over time, we have steadily reduced our hazardous waste production and invested in alternatives.

Workers at waste facility

Water Conservation

Parker operates 54 manufacturing sites in locations identifed as having extremely high water stress as defned by the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) Aqueduct 4.0 tool. Our goal is to implement water management best practices at 100% of these sites, which includes a complete water inventory and a focus on conservation projects that reduce raw water consumption and increase recycled water use.

Two water meters

Sustainable Sourcing

Enabling technology breakthroughs that change the world for the better would not be possible without long-standing, trusted partnerships. For many years, Parker has been fortunate to collaborate with suppliers that deliver exceptional quality and reliability.

Plane flying over shipping area

Sustainability Rankings, Partnerships

  • Parker has been a member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) SmartWay® Transport Partnership since 2012.
  • Parker is a proud member of the Hydrogen Council, a global CEO-led initiative of companies working to accelerate the clean energy transition.
  • We’ve also maintained a high rating in the CDP supply chain analysis of more than 5,000 companies that support a sustainable economy.
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Learn how Parker is purposefully leading the way toward a more-sustainable future.