Innovative Marine Solutions for Design Engineers | Parker
Condition Monitoring Solutions


Parker has a long history serving the marine market. Our range of condition monitoring equipment covers testing of in-use lubricants, including system oils, hydraulics, and scrapedown oil; sampling bunker fuel for quality and quantity; monitoring valve wear and leakage; and testing machinery bearing

White Paper

Green Future in the Marine Industry

Global operation, extreme marine conditions and stringent environmental regulations present ship and boat builders, yacht owners and commercial fleet managers with difficult desalinization, engine protection and fuel efficiency challenges.

Green Future in the marin industry white paper


Accurate and reliable portable sulphur testing

The IMO 2020 regulation undoubtedly had a significant impact on the marine fuel supply chain with the introduction of new compliant fuel blends and alternative fuels. Find out how Parker can help you check and prove compliance with the regulation.

Accurate and reliable portable sulphur testing



Browse through our application-based visual selectors to discover the range of recommended Parker solutions and technologies.

Workship: Cable laying vessel
Yellow bus being charged


Learn how enhanced battery technologies are needed now more than ever to drive major advancements in truck and bus electrification.

Parker Bestobell’s Cryogenic Valve Technologies

Parker Bestobell is a world-leader in the manufacture of cryogenic valves, with over 50 years’ industrial gas experience and 18 years’ successfully supplying to LNG marine markets. Parker Bestobell’s valve technologies are widely used on LNG Carriers, FLNG (Floating Production & Storage Units) and FSRUs (Floating, Storage & Re-gasification Units).

Parker Bestobell’s cryogenic valve technologies

Condition Monitoring Solutions

In challenging markets, staying ahead of the competition by using a proactive approach to maintenance is key. With issues such as extreme conditions, inspection challenges and workforce safety, on-line sensor and on-site testing technology provide an assured method of protecting assets and profits.

Parker Marine Condition Monitoring Solutions