Alternative Fuel Technology | Parker US
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With more than 10,000 alternative fueling stations across the globe – and more than a dozen alternative fuels under development, including hydrogen, natural gas and electricity – consumers and industry together clamor for a clean-energy future.

Alternative Fuel Solutions for Today, Tomorrow

The road to a cleaner future includes the pragmatic adoption of alternative fuels, like hydrogen and natural gas. You'll find Parker’s robust product portfolio along that path, as well as our 50-year experience helping customers explore renewable energy and alternative fuel technology options. We're facilitating energy efficiency innovation today and helping fuel tomorrow's zero-carbon economy.

Cargo container ship at port

On-Demand Webinar

Insights into Hydrogen Fuel Systems on Trucks & Buses

Gain an in-depth exploration of hydrogen fuel cell systems and their pivotal role in the evolving landscape of sustainable transportation. Join us as we delve into market trends, technological drivers, and system parameters shaping the adoption of hydrogen-powered buses and trucks compared to traditional internal combustion engines (ICE) and electric vehicles (EV). 

Insights into Hydrogen Fuel Systems on Trucks & Buses
Highway system running through city

No one knows electrification better than Parker. Our 100-year history in machine design and breadth of products allows us to combine the best of hydraulics with the controllability and efficiency of electric to create efficient, flexible, sustainable solutions. We create long-term value through a purposeful iteration system approach, rather than simple product orientations, to meet even the most demanding applications. We start with listening first and applying what we know works.

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Every day our highly engaged team members are taking action to create a safety-first workplace, improve the business and strengthen our communities. We’re also demonstrating how our interconnected portfolio of motion and control technologies is critical to enabling a cleaner and more sustainable world.

Learn how Parker is purposefully leading the way toward a more-sustainable future.